Regroupement des cuisines collectives de Gatineau (RCCG)

Our Mission and Goals

The Regroupement des cuisines collectives de Gatineau (RCCG) is a legally constituted non-profit organization that aims to develop and consolidate collective kitchens in order to help individuals and families living in poverty or precarious situations to feed themselves adequately. In order to achieve this mission, the RCCG pursues the following four objectives:

  • To support collective kitchens in their development ;
  • Promote the model and values of collective kitchens and other means of encouraging food security ;
  • Reduce poverty and social exclusion ; and
  • Promote volunteer work and community involvement.

Our Services

Our services range from assistance, start-up and guidance for a collective kitchen, to support, training and promoting collective kitchens in action on the Outaouais territory.


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